Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is Drawing? (Stormie Adson)

~ What is drawing? Are there specific tools/ surface/ media interaction that define this act? Must it be 2-D and does it require a frame/ boundary to exist?

I find drawing is one way to portray emotions and ideas in an artistic way, that would be difficult in writing or speech. Drawing is leaving a mark on a surface that can have a set boundary or a limitless one. The material used for drawing can range from graphite and charcoal to makeup and water. Drawing is 2-D, but it could be 3-D because of the surface or composition.

~ Must drawing be graphic in nature? Elaborate with at least 2 examples.

Yes and no, it all depends on intention of the image. Was it intentional, to provide an image or was it just a scrap sheet with squiggles or color blotches? It depends if it is classified as a drawing by the creator. 
Dot and Squiggle, Chuck Jones, 9"x12", ink on rice paper, 1965
Crayon, 12x18

~ Does the act of drawing necessarily result in a drawing? Are the two mutually inclusive? Explain
Most people associate advanced images as the premise of a drawing, but drawing something simple such as a square can constitute as a drawing.

~ Does drawing serve as the basis for other forms of art or stand on its own? Does it matter that we make a distinction?

Drawing can be the base or a part of other forms of art. Sketches are often the first criteria of how we envision our finished product or as a base to make and change ides.

~ Find three examples you feel best exemplify DRAWING with captions (artist, medium, date, size) and an explanation on WHY you chose these.

Who's Afraid of the Peppermint Man, Camille Rose Garcia, acrylic and watercolor on paper, 2002, 14"x84"
Allot of Garcia's work is done with acrylic, or ink, and in her unfinished works she demonstrates he process of sketching to create a beautiful piece. Her style is very cartoonish and her images are 2-D and flat, but that adds to her style and narrative of her paintings.

Orange to Blue, Elixirmy, Marker, 2011

This town ain't big enough, Digital, 2010, 1700x2338px
 I choose some of Elixirmy's art because of her ability to capture movement, giving figures weight, ans her use of colors to create emotion. Her personal style shows through in her art, that makes it distinct and unique. 
Patrick Spaziante, 2011

Partick Spaziante
I use to collect Sonic the Hedgehog comics not only for the stories, but I use them as references for poses and character design. "Spaz" used allot of movement and emotion in his cover art and I used that to help me with drawing figures and shapes to create characters. His attention to detail is what captured my attention and inspired me to do work like his. 

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