Sunday, February 16, 2014

Internet Research Project- Lupien

This is the list of artists I like.
Hyunkyoung Shin *

This is the list of artists I didn't quite care for.
Ed Nadeaua*
* I couldn't find webpages.

The three I felt the strongest about.
Untitled Study
Charcoal on Paper
2013, 42x60 in

I am not an animal I and II 
Graphite on Paper
2010, 40x60 in 

Ink and Colored Pencil on Paper
2012, 13x10 in

          I'll begin talking about Hammie whose drawings are beautiful gestures the one I have included is fluid and the movement is graceful. The second artist Harel uses the skeleton as a base and adds features using hands manipulated to create the facial features. The last artist I have is Matthews who uses a combination of quick gestural style movement and a long figure drawing. The white on black makes the figure stand out but in a soft hazy way.

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