Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What is drawing? Jeffrey

I think that drawing is an essential tool that one needs in their tool box to move into painting. I really believe that like most art drawing doesn't have boundary be it a frame or 3D drawing. I do believe there is a line where a drawing can become a painting and they begin to fuse with one another

~ Must drawing be graphic in nature? Elaborate with at least 2 examples.

I believe that is traditional for most drawings to be graphic though there are some interesting techniques to be played with. 

~ Does the act of drawing necessarily result in a drawing? Are the two mutually inclusive? Explain.

I am the kind of person who doodles constantly in my notes, on my hand, and just about anywhere that I see an opportunity. These acts of drawing do not always end up a finished drawing. Still they are a drawing. Most of them I like to think of as small seeds that can possibly one day grow into something beautiful. 

~ Does drawing serve as the basis for other forms of art or stand on its own? Does it matter that we make a distinction?

It does serve as a stepping stone into many other art forms, but I do believe that drawing has its own unique qualities. I feel like a good drawing can be turned into a better painting, but a good drawing can also stand alone. There are some things that I believe just seem that they need to be painted, and some things that just need to be drawn.

~ Find three examples you feel best exemplify DRAWING with captions (artist, medium, date, size) and an explanation on WHY you chose these.

Bob Brown - Colored Pencil- Size unknown

I chose this image because of its expressive line marking with color as well. 

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