Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is drawing- Lupien

1    What is drawing? The composition of line and shape on a surface.  
Are there specific tools/ surface/ media interaction that define this act? No, a large variety of tools, surfaces, and media can be used to create a drawing.
Must it be 2-D and does it require a frame/ boundary to exist? 
No frame or boundary is needed, 3D drawings can be viewed straight on to create a 2D effect.
Must drawing be graphic in nature? No, not always.
Fingering #4, Judith Ann Braun, drawn on paper with fingers dipped in charcoal, 2010, 10’x15’
Drawing XIII , Georgia O’Keeffe, Charcoal on paper, 1915, 24 3/8 x 18 1/2 in. (61.8 x 47 cm)

Does the act of drawing necessarily result in a drawing? No, not always.
Are the two mutually inclusive? Explain. I think it is easier to show in a picture.
Pablo Picasso’s ‘light drawings’, 1949

Does drawing serve as the basis for other forms of art or stand on its own? A drawing can stand on its own, but they can also be the beginning of a long art work.

Does it matter that we make a distinction? I don’t think it does. Each part of a masterpiece is still art.

Find three examples you feel best exemplify DRAWING with captions (artist, medium, date, size) and an explanation on WHY you chose these.
Disney animation, pencil, 1940, na
Even though this is one slide of an animation this single slide is still a great and complete drawing.
Kseniya Simonova , Breath of Russia, sand on glass, 2010, na
This drawing is done with sand on glass, but the value and composition are still evident.
M.C Escher, Eye, mezzotint, 1946, na
Escher's drawings are traditional in the idea that the image is realistic with a surreal twist.

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