Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Introduction to Abstraction - Jeffrey


Abstract art is a breed all its own. Unlike narrative art its story is either absent or more based off of perception. The feeling of the piece is one that takes center stage. It is more of a whisper in the viewer's ear in which they may interpret it as they wish. I believe that non-narrative art can have a lot of narrative, but the viewer limits it by their perception. The artist and the viewer don't always see eye to eye and I believe that abstract art pokes at this. 


Narrative art gets at our soul by releasing a story that has an overwhelming urge to be told. The artist instead of whispering lays out a very precise story line for a viewer to follow. This is sometimes done consciously and sometimes unconsciously. The point of it all is that the viewer is more or less seeing this art through the eye of the artist. It can be skewed and sometimes that is the beautiful thing about it. The figure, as we have talked about, has an un-doubtable way of creating narrative. 

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