Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hwk 2/14: Happy Valentines everyone!

Hwk 2/14: Happy Valentines everyone!

There are TWO PARTS to your homework this weekend:

As we are working on gestures, and love comes in all sorts of different packages, I want you to work on a collecting a few different sketches for next Monday. ALL should be from life and 2-3 minute sketches if possible (or longer, your choice) Get the figures down with expressive mark-making and think about NARRATIVE implied in your sketches:

5 one-person sketches
5 two-person sketches
5 three (or more) person sketches

REMEMBER: The more people you have in a sketch the more complications you will come across. The two figures do NOT have to be touching, but must be interacting in frame (for example can be seated together on a bench, working at a desk, etc)

You may inform the people you are drawing them, but you should not take more than 2-3 minutes to get each sketch.

PART 2: Internet Research Project is DUE MONDAY, 2/17. Post to blog!

As we have begun talking about WHAT drawing is, you are now looking at artists who utilize this medium a little more in depth with our research project. PLEASE read over what has been posted. Try not to duplicate if possible. You are not limited to the artists on the website, but it is a good jumping off point for research into contemporary artist who draw.


  1. Don't forget your 10 Experimental Drawings! Do these sooner than later!

  2. Once again, my computer won't let me publish. And somehow it appears even though it says error. I'll try later.
