Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Drawing is a form of art or skill or making of pictures and diagrams made commonly by a pencil, pen, or crayon; however, there are many other types of materials and tools that are used to create a drawing. There are not specific tools that are used, just common tools. This form of art does not necessarily have to be made in 2-D form, it can be found and made in 3-D form that is expressed on paper or in a real-life sculpture.

Drawing is a form of expression, in which can be found and made by artists to express their own emotions and feelings. There are several kinds of artists that are found throughout this world and they all have their own way of creating art, whether that way is drawing or painting or even sculpturing. Either way, all those forms of art are considered to be ART. No matter what you call it, they all tell a story within the image.

Alexandros of Antioch
130 - 100 BC
203 cm (6.7 ft) high
I chose to include this sculpture, when I first saw this sculpture it was in one of my favorite movies and it was used to demonstrated a stronger meaning of the theme of the film. The plot line was about a girl who loses her arm and has to learn to adjust her life with one arm. The sculpture was used to demonstrate how strong a person can be if they believed in themselves, especially when they don't have  the physical support. From that point, it has always been one of my favorite sculptures.

Anita Mihalyi
A4 & Graphite
2010 - 2014
I like this drawing, because it looks so real; its hard to believe that it was drawn from a pencil in the artist's hand.

Leonid Afremon
Palette Knife Oil Painting on Canvas
40" x 30"
I like how the different colors make the image come to life, making it real like you could step into it admire the beauty of the piece while being a part of it.

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