Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Intro. to Abstract Flores

Narrative - is art that tells a story. When looking at the image/ piece you are capable of telling a descriptive story that may or may not relate to the piece itself, but is what you read when observing a piece as a whole.
Boy in the Woods
Barbara Johnson
34" x 42"
Oil on Canvas

Non-Narrative - is the opposite of narrative. It is art that doesn't not telling a story when observing a piece. When you cannot read or tell a descriptive story from looking at the image/ piece.
Untitled (Blue Divided by Blue)
Mark Rothko
33.62" x 25.71"
Figurative - representing forms that are recognizably derived from life.
Catriona Lemay Doan
Gordon Mine
acrylic on masonite
62" x 48"

Abstract - art that does not represent external, recognizable reality but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures.

Clayton Kashuba
42"x 36"

Can figurative art ever be non-narrative?
In my opinion, I don't think that figurative art can ever be non-narrative, because in each piece of figurative art there is a figure that can be read by the observer which allows the observer to create a story using their imagination based upon what they see read in the piece. 

Can abstract art ever be narrative?
In my opinion, I think abstract can be narrative. Even though there is no real object created in the image, I think that a story can be told based upon the colors that were used to create the piece.
Inner Path
Clayton Kashuba
40" x 30"
In this image, I am able to gather information to write a story. The view makes it seem like you are laying on the ground looking up. The usage of blue can be describe to make up the sky and create a scene of calmness with a hint of depression and the 3-D images almost appear to be the shape of buildings. Even though this image is abstract, it is capable of being narrative. It all depends on how you read the image causing your imagination to take control.

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