Monday, February 10, 2014

Hwk 2/10: GESTURE & "What is Drawing?"

Hwk 2/10: GESTURE & "What is Drawing?"

Your final project of the semester will be OPEN, though based on a thoroughly developed CONCEPT (IDEA FIRST, versus a work built on FORMAL academic concepts such as line, symmetry, color, balance, composition, figure-ground relationship, etc). We have begun to talk about CONCEPTUAL ART and parameters we place on ourselves in the process of creating images. I want you to begin thinking about WHY you make art and the parameters you put on yourself each time you create work. 

Examples from class today:

Alexa Meade

Cynthia Griegg

Your homework for Wednesday is two-fold:

1) Draw 20 gestures (figurative "quick sketches") from life! Think about the narrative and expressive mark-making in each one! These can be done on a single page of newsprint. Each gesture should range from 10 seconds to 3 minutes. This is a normal time frame.

2) Answer the following questions about DRAWING and post to blog under title "What is drawing?". You can answer these questions individually OR you can simply reply in the form of a well thought out response (a few paragraphs using images for visual support in your argument). This is simply meant to start a discussion in class. Your post CAN also respond to things already stated by other students as well. This is encouraged.

~ What is drawing? Are there specific tools/ surface/ media interaction that define this act? Must it be 2-D and does it require a frame/ boundary to exist?

~ Must drawing be graphic in nature? Elaborate with at least 2 examples.

~ Does the act of drawing necessarily result in a drawing? Are the two mutually inclusive? Explain.

~ Does drawing serve as the basis for other forms of art or stand on its own? Does it matter that we make a distinction?

~ Find three examples you feel best exemplify DRAWING with captions (artist, medium, date, size) and an explanation on WHY you chose these.

Remember: Your "Experimental Drawings" are to be done on your OWN TIME! Half due at MIDTERM, half DUE at END OF TERM.  You will have more time at the beginning of the semester to complete these, so take advantage of this! If you want to complete all of them in the first few weeks, feel free to do so! These are mini "CONCEPT" building projects to prepare you for your final project. 


  1. I'm trying to post the assignment onto the blog, but it says I encountered an error. I'll try again later.

    1. Okay. Let me know if you run into any problems! The post looks much scarier than it actually is. Really you all need to do 20 quick sketches and around two paragraphs or so on what drawing is (with images to help support/ explain your statements). Thanks

    2. Hey Emily,

      I just saw your post. If you reference an image you MUST include it for visual reference in your response. Also, make sure you have at least 3 images of what you consider DRAWING to be and WHY.

      EVERYONE-- Make sure you dig DEEP on your responses to this! Why are drawings different from paintings? Are they? What about sculpture? Music? Performance? Writing? Photography? What is it doing specifically that makes drawing unique? Or is it?

      Looking forward to your responses!
