Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is drawing? - Jen Dixon

~ What is drawing? Are there specific tools/ surface/ media interaction that define this act? Must it be 2-D and does it require a frame/ boundary to exist?

Originally, I had thought drawing to just be lines and shading on a smooth surface, but after what we saw in class, I have definitely started to understand that every type of art, in a way, has drawing involved.
~ Must drawing be graphic in nature? Elaborate with at least 2 examples.

I would say yes because drawing is visual and creates images. 
M. C. Escher, Lithograph print, January 1935, 318x213mm
Ralph Slatton, Intaglio print, Stone rabbits cannot see, they stare forward in a blinded gaze through stone eyes. Stone rabbits can surely hear; they have very large ears.

~ Does the act of drawing necessarily result in a drawing? Are the two mutually inclusive? Explain.

The result isn't always a drawing, at least not in the traditional sense, and a drawing isn't always the result of a traditionally non-drawing method (like prints). We saw in class that photos can also be considered drawings. So, maybe they are mutually inclusive in that it's hard to define where a drawing ends and begins in a piece of art.

~ Does drawing serve as the basis for other forms of art or stand on its own? Does it matter that we make a distinction?

I'd say that drawing does both because it can stand on its own, as well as be the original plan for things like sculptures. I'm sure some people think it matters a great deal whether a piece of art is a "drawing" or not, but honestly, art is art, and that is a beautiful thing.
~ Find three examples you feel best exemplify DRAWING with captions (artist, medium, date, size) and an explanation on WHY you chose these.

This is a beautiful digital painting by one of the artists that has inspired me those in recent years. I chose this particular piece because she used a one reference to create two characters, and even though it's just two figures, I still get a story out of how different and similar they are. I also chose this because I want to get better at digital art and I find Bing's style to be very delightful.
Bing Lin, D.O. and Kyungsoo, Digital Painting, September 25, 2013.
This one is a digital image by Wenqing Yan. I have been inspired by this artist for both digital drawings as well as sculptures. Even though the lines are a bit messy, the image and emotion are successfully received by the viewer. 
Wenqing Yan, Curse, Digital Painting,  2014, 750x1250 pixels
This is also a digital painting, however it is an image done for a contest for an online game. I have, in fact seen it as a loading screen while playing the game. I like this piece because it is a representation of 3D models from a video game translated into 2D.
Sakimichan (DeviantArt), Digital Painting, Dec 6, 2013, 1920x1200 pixels

1 comment:

  1. Photos are created through a photographic (light-based exposure) process. You can have photographs created through "drawn" light-based exposure or manipulation. Does this negate the photographic nature of these pieces though? Or place these clearly in the realm of drawing? ALL art can be due used in terms of formal elements and critical language (composition, figure-ground relation, audience, narrative, readability, etc). This does not mean all falls under the heading of "drawing". Watch out for faulty augmentation or circular reasoning.
