Wednesday, February 5, 2014


scratchboard still life by hiddenelf, Nov. 12, 2012, Skractchboard

saturday doodle by derekjones, Jan 22, 2011,
watersoluble graphite and ink on synthetic paper

Room by Anya Zholud

photo-oct-05-12-09-16-am by marco taro holmes,
Oct. 12, 2009,  Pro Create

obsessive line sitting by liz3889, Feb. 6, 2008,
 ink applied with sharpened stick

Monika Gezymala, 2009, fabric and tape
mark making value study sparrow fremsley by missimoinsane,
Aug. 17, 2013,  Photoshop CS53060x1800px

its undulation by Justine Ashbee, paint pens
Innocence by DarkynLove, May 12, 2010 Black pen on paper

coman by carnegriff Sept. 5, 2010,
 graphite ink and tea on watercolor paper 75x56cm

unknown title and artist

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