Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Intro To Abstract Art - Steve Hodge

Narrative art fits into the context of some kind of story. 

Cave wall paintings at Lasceuax, France-  12-17,000 years old

Brent Stirton, Rhino Wars, photograph

Helen Stratton ~ The Lily of Life ~The Wise Woman ~ 1913

Non-narrative art doesn't tell a story; 

there is no story implied or explicated.
Rhino Horn by Lapidot - print

"Southwest Spirit Bison" - Theresa Paden 24"x30" acrylic on canvas

Figurative Art is a rendering apparently from real life.

Jeffrey Hein

In abstract art, the figure is removed from its context., if a figure remains at all,

Jean Besette

Nancy Smith
"Leap", acrylic on paper, 22"x30"

Untitled NO.20

30x40 inch
acrylic on canvas

1 comment:

  1. This should be narrative versus non-narrative art. Figuration and abstraction are different categorizations.
