Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is Drawing? (Martinez)

For me, I would feel that “Art” is an act that is done with anything and everything. Drawing, on the other hand, is more along the lines of a 2-D art, that can become 3-D. I don’t necessary think that materials really matter; graphite, charcoal, watercolor, paint or pastels even software in some cases. The surface is generally smooth, but now that I thinking about it does that mean graffiti isn’t drawing? I think it is some of the most creative art we have. Even painting can be a form of drawing, in the sense that we see an image in life or from our imaginations and want to replicate it in our own ways. Both of these art forms are completely different from one another but they have elaborate forms. Painting is in the homes and museums and graffiti is done on the actual city itself.
As with anything art has evolved into a form from the future and that leads us to the ideas of computer generated art, which is drawing on a computer screen rather then paper and with software instead of graphite and ink. Yet, still resulting in animation which was done long before computers were invented. still drawing just different technic.
 So many different forms of drawing resulting in the art itself, but does it have to? Are we only artist if we have our end results are seen and liked or that our results are considered creative? I always have the dilemma that I am no one to judge what art is or whether or not an art piece is creative. It is too hard to justify weather my art is art and I will always feel that if you like what I do and that it has touched you on an emotional base I have done what I set out to do. If you don’t get it then that is your opinion to have and I will not try and convince you like my art needs an explanation, being that I’m still early in my career and I haven’t reach complexity yet. Drawing is probably the first step to any other 2-D art, I maybe wrong in that but for me and most of the people I know they have to start with a sketch to art the ground work on anything else and I know that every masterpiece started with a rough draft first, most of the time it was a drawing, even if it is to plan out the process.

The following are a few examples I feel to be drawings;

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