Monday, February 17, 2014



Look back through the MARK-MAKING and INTERNET RESEARCH PROJECT posts and think about TOOLS, MARK-MAKING, & NARRATIVE. Create FIVE 5-10 minute drawings from life (do not all have to be figurative) with various tools and mark-making techniques. OPEN tools, media, ground. Can be longer than 10 minutes or larger than your sketch-book, but do not have to be. Think OUTSIDE the box! What mark-making can be used to create believable figures in space? What story is being told?

For each image think about:

~WHAT is being said? Is this the only storyline you can read in this composition?
~HOW this is being said (tools/ marks/ color/ etc)
~Foreground/ background relationship
~At least three adjectives you could use to describe these marks

You do not need to write this down, but we WILL be discussing these in class next time.

BRING GLUE or a GLUE STICK for Wednesday's class!

 Alternative mark-making sketches:

And some collages for President's Day (these are valid too!):

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