Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jeffrey Bryant Final Statement

            In this specific project I began to struggle with finding something that called to me. This semester in this class I have been trying to refine my tools and learn conceptual ideas that are original to me. I like to believe that all artists would like to think of themselves as original, which is a lot more difficult than I had ever thought. This class paired along with my painting class, where we are working on developing a body of work, kept me lost. I didn’t feel like I knew who I was as an artist and I felt like this was something I needed.
            I wanted my final project to be in graphite not only because I feel comfortable with it but also it is a big part of who I am. I have sketchbooks of pencil drawing from when I was nine years old. As I sifted through them I felt like I was re-living and re-learning who I am/was as an artist. I liked looking at them so I could halfway make fun of myself and also take in something from them. It’s nice to see growth, but it is also nice to see consistency. I decided I wanted to recreate and reconnect with this part of my life as a child.
            My purpose for this was scattered I will admit, but I found that in doing this I found an extreme happiness from my art that I had been lacking for a while this semester. I liked tapping into ideas while feeling like I was original and yet knowing I have a long way to go.

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