Thursday, May 8, 2014


Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to congratulate you all, again, on an awesome semester! It has been wonderful watching you grow and push yourselves into uncomfortable places. Do not stop this simply because the course is over!

I DO need ONE MORE thing from you all in order to assess and finish your grades-- You need to photograph and publish your Experimental Drawings and write-ups (in a single post) to the blog by 5PM NEXT FRIDAY!! Remember these are 15% of your final grade. I also need images of your eyeballs by this same time. You can take these yourself, or drop your eyes off by 5 PM tomorrow and I will shoot them myself.

ALL of your work can be picked up starting next Wednesday (MUST BE GONE and your lockers CLEANED by next FRIDAY!! They WILL throw things away, so don't try them on this!). Do not pick things up early, as I am still grading!! Everything will be in piles upstairs in Rm 353, EXCEPT your figure drawing work. That will still be hung on the first floor. I will let you take that down yourselves. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL of other peoples' work and the walls (try to get the staples OUT!!). Anything that gets pulled down in the process of your taking yours down please bring upstairs and put in a neat stack.

Let me know if you have ANY questions!


  1. Hey Cornelia,
    Did you want our eyes in the same post as the experimental drawings, or separate?

  2. They should all be separate posts: 1) Final 2) Eyes 3) experimental drawings


  3. Kerri do you have anyone picking up your work?

    1. Ya i'm back in town so I will be there tomorrow to do it! Thanks, girl :)
