Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Flores Final Statement

Janaka Flores is an artist and musician from Espanola, New Mexico. Her work usually consists of animated characters, different writing fonts and dark domains that relate to the many things she loves. She hopes that one day she will fulfill her dream of becoming an animator.
            She likes that fact that she can create something different that has a great amount of meaning not only for herself, but possibly for others. She knows that she has does a great job when her loved ones tell her that they like and appreciate her artwork.
            Majority of the pieces that Janaka creates are usually drawn using the same materials, which are plain white paper and pencil. When creating a piece that has calligraphy or graffiti, she’ll use black ink pens. Once in a while, she will also use sharpies and color pencils to add color. She feels that when a piece has color added to it, it is easier to read character and personailty not only in the piece, but also in the artist.
            For this piece, her inspiration came from her dream to become an animator. As you can see in the piece, we see that Mickey Mouse is the animator, clearly because he has just drawn his dog, Pluto, as a puppy. Some may say that this piece is representational by proposing the Mickey is symbollizing as Janaka in her future.
However, others may say that the piece demonstrates Janaka’s love for animated art as she drew an animated character drawing another animated character. Both of these thoughts about what the meaning of this piece caould be are true.
            Janaka demonstrating her passion for animation by drawing an animated character drawing another character, which is hopefully later could be her, drawing several animated characters. To create this piece, she used plain white drawing paper, pencil, colored pencils, and a blue sharpie for the words at the top of the piece, “Dreams Come True”. Janaka feels thta this saying ties the whole piece together by telling her audience that this is her dream, to be an animator that loves to draw animation.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” –Walt Disney

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