Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Come get your work BEFORE THIS FRIDAY!

Hello All,

I have just finished taking pictures of EVERYTHING (except Chris' s final and Stormie's wet paintings--I will leave that up to you all. Please post as soon as you can).

To calculate your final grade I MUST have your final write-ups (and images, if you were posting these yourself), Experimental Drawings AND legible (preferrably typed!) write ups, and your scratch board eyes POSTED to the blog by midnight Friday (11:59 PM).

You can come in anytime between NOW and 5 PM Thursday (the office with your abstractions is locked at 5) to get your stuff! PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK! Go though ALL the stacks of work in the classroom, take down allllllllll of your figure drawings (1st floor) and bring any extras you may inadvertently pull down up to the classroom, also take down all of your abstractions (2nd floor lobby). Make sure you CLEAN OUT YOUR LOCKERS BEFORE FRIDAY AS WELL! Anything left runs the risk of being thrown away, and anything left in your lockers will certainly be thrown away! If you absolutely cannot come in the next two days please text me ASAP.

Congrats again for a well-done semester! Please let me know if you have any questions about anything.

Have a great summer, 

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