Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Artist Statement

Hey, my name is Joeanna Martinez. I am a single mother of a five year old daughter and she is my world. She is the reason I’m even in college. Before I had my daughter I lived for the moment in the fast lane and stopped for no one, now that has all changed. She made me rethink life because I’m not living for myself. Before school I never thought I was really good at art and envied those that could and now with the skill and technics I am learning I am getting to that level and it is awesome. I hope that in the future I will be able to make a living with my degree and it will all pay off for us but until I find that out I will just have to hope for the best I can do.

For my final project I wanted to go further into watercolor being that it was the last thing we worked with but I felt it was too short of a time. Plus I really wanted to work on my portrait skills that will always need practice, practice makes perfect. So I decided to do one of my daughter from a picture I have of her when she was smaller. I like how it came out but it can always be better. My next work is based on feeling and the fact that my work defiantly reflects the mood I have been in or that I’m in at the time. So I have felt the world a little heavier for the past couple of weeks and for me time with my daughter or playing music and just a short cry will release all of the tension I have. It’s ok to cry, its ok to fall but in my life it isn’t the fact that you fell. What matters is that you get back up and keep on going. Life is never easy any the path you want isn’t always the one you can walk but all the hardships will lead you to be the stronger person yu need to be for the people in your life and the life you really want.

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