Friday, March 21, 2014

Portrait of an Elder

I named my image Bob
       Bob is thinking that he didn't close the flap on his ti-pi before he left for the sweat lodge. The smoke from the piece pipe being passed around, may escape. For you see, he had a powwow with other chiefs in the wee hours of the morning. There are so many long winded people in the sweat lodge Bob decides to go for a swim in the river instead. After a good swim he returns to his ti-pi to check the ti-pis flap. He finds that his woman has opened the flap because it smelt like burnt feathers. His woman has prepared Bobs meal and even chewed his meat for him.

        I would like to hang out with Bob, for he would have many stories to tell.

                                                                                                                                     Terry Sager

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