Sunday, March 23, 2014

Elder Portrait

I drew my grandma on my mom's side.  Her name is Laurel, and she's 88 years old. We get together every week with her, my mom, myself, and my two kids. We talk a lot, and she is always telling me stories about years gone by. It always surprises me the things I learn about her that I never knew. I wonder what other stories I will hear, and which ones I will never know.
Last week she went in to her doctor with a pain in her abdomen. They extracted her appendix and upon its biopsy found that it was cancerous. We still don't know anything else about it; she is seeing an oncologist this coming week. She is optimistic, however, even if it is cancer - as she fought breast cancer before I was born.  She's tough and stubborn as a mule. She managed to quit smoking after 50 years after she had a heart attack and surgery ten years ago and I'm sure she would already be gone if it weren't for that.

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