Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hwk 3/10: CRITIQUE DAY!!!

Hwk 3/10: CRITIQUE DAY!!!

1) First 5 Experimental Drawings DUE!

2) Scratchboard Assignment DUE! REMEMBER you need both a FIGURATIVE & an ABSTRACT eye. MINIMUM 6" x 6" each. These DO NOT HAVE TO BE HUMAN OR SUPER CLOSE-UP! The goal of this assignment is to create texture studies with varying states of ascertainable narrative/ legibility. Make SURE once you are done that you step back and really examine each image. One should read as an eye and one should NOT. If you need to add an extra image to accomplish this bring all of these into class. There is extra scratch board in my trunk in Room 245 if you need more. 

3) Bring in at least 2 images for your Portrait of an Elder assignment to discuss in class. These can be digital at this point, but will need to be printed to accomplish the assignment. 

Your mid-term portfolio check will be done the week AFTER spring break. This will include all blog posts and assignments, in class and out, to date.

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