Sunday, March 23, 2014

Portrait of an Elder - Kerri Banach

Portrait of an Elder: A Texture Study
By: Kerri Banach
     I chose to do my portrait of an elder on Christopher Walken.  I do not personally know him, but he is one of my favorite actors of all time.  I thought choosing him for an elder study was great because I have been watching him for the past twenty years on screen, and have been able to see him age, sort of speak.  Christopher is seventy years old and I think age has been very good to him.  This particular image of him is beautiful to me for many reasons.  The close up angle the photographer used puts him in a very vulnerable state.  All aspects of his face are focused on, including the spots and wrinkles that most people strive to cover up.  His expression is “real” compared to the character faces I’m so used to seeing him have.  Sometimes it’s nice to view a person in the spotlight in one of these instances to take a step back and just appreciate them for being a normal person.  As for hanging out with him? Is that a serious question? I would love to! He’s Christopher freakin’ Walken!

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