Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Portrait of an Elder: A Texture Study

Drawing II-­‐ OLIVER Assignment 5
(Due: Monday, 3/24)
 Portrait of an Elder:
A Texture Study

  • Fawn Stonehenge 22”x 30”
  • White Charcoal Pencil and White Conte Crayon
  • Black Charcoal Pencil and Black Charcoal
  • Bistre Conte Pencil and Bistre Conte Crayon
  • Sanguine Conte Pencil and Sanguine Conte Crayon
  • Blenders/Erasers/Other Drawing tools
  • PROCESS (suggested, NOT fixed):
  • Grid original image (triangle grid most effective)
  • Draw in 1.5” border very lightly using graphite. Carefully tape 1.5” border using
    Blue tape (and newsprint, as needed). Draw corresponding grid on Fawn paper
    (very lightly in White Pencil)
  • Draw Image in as much detail as possible using SANGUINE. Think about 7-­‐pt
    value scale and TEMPERATURE.
  • Remove any trace of Grid as needed
  • When Sanguine is complete, add BISTRE to darker areas.
  • When Bistre is complete, add BLACK to the very darkest areas
  • When Black is complete, add WHITE to highlights. Be sure to leave bits of Fawn
    paper as second-­‐lightest value.
  • When Complete, Lightly Spray-­‐Fix, if desired
  • CAREFULLY Remove tape. Always pull AWAY from the interior of the drawing,
    rather than toward the middle (so if tears occur, the tear the border rather than the drawing)

Once you have completed this image write a single paragraph describing the character presented in frame. Post this to the blog AND print this out and bring it in with your image the Monday after spring break. Give him/her a name if one does not already exist, tell us about the moment, thoughts, etc. Do they have a secret? What is the moment being described? Would you want to hang out with him/ her? We are looking for true PRESENCE in frame. 


  1. Hi Cornelia! What materials do we need to bring to class on Monday? Thanks!!

    1. Just bring your completed ELDER STUDY (ALSO post your description to the blog AND print this out and bring it in with your image) and bring in something to write with. We will hang these, have a mini discussion about the process, storytelling, and material-handling, then get into a discussion on our next project and a lecture on COLOR. You all will be SETTING UP the still life and doing mini sketches in your notes, but not beginning your actual final drawing until Wednesday.
