Monday, March 3, 2014

Hwk 3/3: Supplies!

You all should be well-into your experimental drawings at this point! The first half are due next Wednesday, along with your Scratchboard Drawings. You have TWO 6" x 6" images of eyes due! Think about figuration & abstraction, narration & non-narration. How are each of these images READING? These are studies in VALUE and DETAIL. You are simply copying what is there, so don't worry about generating new work or the profundity of message.

For those of you who want, please feel free to make your own scratch boards or scratch paper for this assignment. This is a super easy tutorial: (oil pastel paper) (actual board)

Helpful for working with scratchboard: (cheesy video, but good information!) (step by step)

For next class you will need your SECOND SHEET of black paper, 2 sheets of mid-tone paper, your white drawing paper, and your contè crayons (black, white, sepia, umber). Also bring in your images of eyes. We will discuss these at the beginning of class.


  1. Is the due date this Wed the 5th or a week from then m

  2. Can we use any color of pastel if we are making our own scratchboards?

  3. Yes ma'am! You can go crazy with it. If you want to look up other techniques and have metal or glow in the dark underneath for all I care. :) have fun, but be precise with your image. Think about tonal range, line quality, tool handling, mark-making, texture, framing, composition, etc.
