Monday, March 24, 2014

Portrait of an Elder-Chris Marquez

Jane Goodall
A primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, from Britain. She's known as the worlds foremost expert on chimpanzees. She is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. She's an advocate for animal rights, conservation, and welfare, the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute. She's against the use of animals in farming, zoos, sport, and medical research and is a devoted vegetarian. While working with a troop of chimps at Gombe Goodall assimiliated with the troop and was it's lowest ranking member for 22 months and is the only human to be able to do so. Goodall's most well known contribution to the scientific community is her discovery that in addition to humans, chimpanzees are able to construct and use tools as well as her discovery that chimpanzees are not strictly vegetarian. 

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