Monday, March 24, 2014

Elder Study - Lydia Gosling

John Howard, not sure how old he is, is a tattoo artist at the shop that I work at. He has had a very interesting life, and spent much of his youth as a bank robber and rode motorcycles with various motorcycle gangs. Eventually the law caught up to him, and he spent 10 years in prison. While he was incarcerated he was in the Santa Fe Federal Prison during the infamous prison riots. Since it has been many years since his rebellious youth, he has established himself as a tattoo artist, and is married with two young children. Often many times his old "friends" will come by wanting to talk with him and reminisce about the old days, and he always rolls his eyes and says, "It's not that I hate you guys, but I'm a family man now, and that lifestyle is unhealthy for me." He is one of the most genuine and sweet men I've ever met in my life.Surprisingly when I posted the finished image on my Facebook, many people recognized him and had said they have had work done by him. 

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