Monday, April 21, 2014

Stripes Narrative- (Martinez)


                For the beginning of the assignment I didn’t have any idea about what I was going to do or how I wanted the final piece to come out. I decided to start with the smallest figure that had a yellow and black fabric over a solid green cloth, I like this figure because it looked so cute, but the thing about this assignment that got to me right away was the folds, and the designs of the fabric. The designs were crazy hard to copy especially when the fabric is all bunched up and this little figure fooled me into thinking that it was easy since it was smaller but the design was the hardest thing so to keep it balanced and to show a little design but not all messy I just did less of the design in the bunches. It was also a little larger then I had anticipated but it was closer to the right side of the paper.

                The next figure was a larger figure that was left of the little yellow guy. This figure was way easier to draw, even though it came out bigger in my picture. It has a meshier fabric that bunched in a way that was more of white and shadows in the little folds. The red dot fabric underneath was jus placement of white dots but another thing that I had a little of confusion for me was seeing in color but drawing in just black and white. I decided to have both of the figures surrounded in black so as to bring out the white of the fabric around the head area; I wanted the black to bring in the depth of the closeness of the two figures.

                In the end the piece turned out to be something of a mother and a daughter or adult and child, the fact that the figures are kind of placed on top of each other gives the intimate relationship, that there is one larger then the other gives dominant or authority attitude. In the end I love the end results.

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