Monday, April 7, 2014


Drawing II-­‐ OLIVER Assignment 7
(Due: Monday, 4/14)


  • Explore the possibilities of unusual/unexpected color in communicating psychological, emotional, or provocative interpretations of imagery
  • Consider the connection between the artist’s conceptual meaning versus the
    viewer’s interpretation of the work 
  • THREE or more images (black and white ONLY!!). These can be
    images you took, drew, or appropriated from another source. Keep the images relatively simple. 
  • You will ULTIMATELY be creating a collage or composite of multiple black & white images that you will then ADD COLOR to. We are beginning in black and white so you forcibly look at each element in terms of value, texture, and line, and you are NOT influenced by "colors that SHOULD be there".  Once your composition is mapped out, step back and think about what colors you want to use and WHY. You need to have an idea of how you will use color to manipulate the psychology of the overall piece. 
  • You will be making your final drawing on any color sheet of  Art Spectrum Colourfix Coated Pastel Paper (19.5 x 27.5)
  • Color choice OPEN, but you MUST include oil pastel!

  • Does this depict a personal feeling/ state-of-being or does it read as more objective
    (about someone else, friend, family, stranger, society etc.)?
  • Are you using CLICHÉ imagery or color? Is this purposeful and how does this influence read?
  • Do you genuinely care about or feel interested in your ideas?
  • Is this an image that will clearly be read as “unusual/unexpected” color?
  • What are the “expected colors” for this image? Are there several ways that
    changing the color will affect the concept of the image?
  • Do you care whether or not the viewer understands your concept? (You
    do not have to say yes!)
  • Do you have a clear idea of what the change of color means to you? 


  1. Hi Cornelia,
    Are those questions that we need to answer and write out, or just questions to consider while working?

    1. They were meant to be considered while working, but I would still like to see the answers! Can you post them to the blog? THANKS!
