Monday, April 7, 2014


Drawing II- OLIVER
Assignment 8
(Due: Monday, 4/28)

Observation &  Abstraction

For this next project, you will be creating four drawings based on a single image or object. This photographic image or OBJECT should be a visually complex “Natural Object”, or “Living Organism” of some kind, with a full range of color and high-resolution detail when printed. It is encouraged that you consider this image not only for its initially interesting visual content, but also for its potential for abstraction. Please NOTE: To begin this project you will have an in-class assignment, Monday, 4/14, to explore working with these materials and paper surfaces before delving into your final four images. Please come prepared!

·              OPEN CHOICE—achromatic drawing (graphite/ ink/ marker/ etc)
·               Watercolor/related tools
·               Rubbing Alcohol
·               Drawing Paper  11”x 11” (can be half of your watercolor sheet)
·              Watercolor Paper 11”x 11”
·               Two sheets Yupo Synthetic Paper 11”x 11” (one sheet cut in half)

Preparatory Studies (IN CLASS: Wednesday 4/16)
    1. Achromatic Experiments: On each sample piece of Drawing paper and Yupo, create 7-step value scales (1” square) using a range of values and mark-making techniques. Thoroughly fill the remainder of the sample paper with marks, blends, textures, erased areas, small drawings, etc, demonstrating a full range of experiments with your drawing materials.

2 2. Watercolor Experiments: On each sample piece of Strathmore Watercolor and Yupo, create color wheels using the full range of colors available to you in your watercolor kit. .). Thoroughly fill the remainder of the sample paper with marks, blends, textures, erased areas, small drawings, etc, demonstrating a full range of experiments with your drawing materials.

Final Projects (DUE: 4/28):

Measure out and tape a .5” border on all 4 sheets of paper so you are left with a 10”x10” working surface. Grid photo image using transparency paper.

1.              “Observational Achromatic Drawing” on Heavy-weight Drawing Paper
2.              “Observational Watercolor” on Strathmore WC Paper
3.              “Abstracted Achromatic Drawing” on Yupo (based on Stonehenge piece)
4.              “Abstracted Watercolor” on Yupo (based on WC paper piece)


Your Observational pieces need to be as accurate and detailed as possible: think scientific illustration, encyclopedia quality. Your Abstracted pieces, while not having a specific guideline of a ‘style’ or ‘look’ to depend upon, must nevertheless show clear evidence of thoughtful consideration, careful attention to detail, and craftsmanship. In other words, the goal of “abstraction” does not justify a sloppy, rushed, or low-quality piece. Please strive for excellence in all four pieces.

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