Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hwk: 1/29 MUSCULATURE! Adding meat in the bones!

Hwk: 1/29 MUSCULATURE! Adding meat in the bones!

We are looking at the human anatomy and where things SHOULD be at this point in time. I want you to draw two PAGES of adult musculature for next class (on drawing paper, NO COLOR, full use of value and detail). Feel free to use any scientific source material you have available. Male OR female acceptable:

1. HALF FRONT/ HALF BACK (full page TOTAL). You only need to draw HALF of a front and HALF of a back. (cut top to bottom-- include left OR right side of each). These two HALVES can be drawn on the same page. 
2. SIDE VIEW (full page). Pick a side and draw musculature of a full adult, top to bottom, on a page.

We are (LITERALLY) adding meat on the bones at this point!!! Think about sub-structure (skeleton) and it's relation to the musculature in building a readable figure in space. 

An interesting (and ethically questionable!) series of work was put on display under the label of both ART and SCIENCE using real "plastinated" corpses to show the inner workings of the human body in action and at rest. One such iteration of this work is :

“Bodies: The Exhibition”        (currently on display at the Luxor in Las Vegas) 

Throughout the semester we will be discussing why we make art, what we are hoping to accomplish, audience, narrative, legibility, theme, function, labels, etc. One thing not often discussed, specifically in the world of figurative art (as there is usually a cognizance of circumstance from both parties, and payment for services) is the ethics of forced participation. This is not to imply anything one way or another about this particular body of work, simply food for thought about what we label art and how it is made. 

Have a productive week(end)! See you Monday!

Remember: Your "50 Drawings in 4 Hours" are DUE MONDAY as well!

1 comment:

  1. I saw a documentary about this series - FANTASTIC and veryyy creepy, specially its creator Gunther von Hagens. Some art critiques compare his work to da Vinci...
