Monday, January 27, 2014



We are looking at the human anatomy and where things SHOULD be at this point in time. I want you to draw two PAGES of adult skeletons for next class (on drawing paper, NO COLOR, full use of value and detail). Feel free to use any scientific source material you have available. Male OR female acceptable:

1. HALF FRONT/ HALF BACK (full page TOTAL). You only need to draw HALF of a front and HALF of a back. (cut top to bottom-- include left OR right side of each). These two HALVES can be drawn on the same page. 
2. SIDE VIEW (full page). Pick a side and draw the full skeleton, top to bottom on a page.

You are looking for body architecture at this point-- How the body is constructed and inhabits space. MASS, points of articulation, long bones, etc. This will be key to building our knowledge of the figure and how it acts in space.


  1. This could be a very obvious question, but I just want to confirm correct understanding! There should now be 3 drawings total, correct? 1. Front view 2. Back View 3. Side View... Lastly, 'can be joined or not'... what are you referring to with this? Thank you!!

  2. I apologize for the confusion. I have edited the post! You need to have TWO PAGES of skeletons for next class PAGE 1: half of a front, half of a back (both vertically divided, can be on the same page) and PAGE 2: a side view (top to bottom). Please let me know if there is still confusion.

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