Monday, January 27, 2014


Drawing II- OLIVER
Assignment 1
(Due: Monday, 2/3)


-(50) 8.5x11” sheets of paper (open choice), NUMBERED, with DATE/ TIME EACH DRAWING TOOK, on bottom right corner
-Manila folder
-Any drawing media

Challenge! Create 50 drawings in 4 hours! You do not have to complete all of these drawings in a single sitting, but you MUST time yourself! The purpose of this exercise is to sharpen your skills of observation and get really comfortable just drawing a lot (the average time you should spend on each drawing is about 5 minutes; however you do not have to limit yourself to these parameters. If you spend 10 minutes on a drawing then you should do a bunch of quick 1 or 2 minute drawings.

You can draw anything you want, but your images MUST BE FROM LIFE (no photographs, imaginations, or digital repliactions). The media and stylistic approach to mark-making are open! (ex: Blind Contour, Continuous Contour, Gesture, Full Value, etc.). Try a range of tools and approaches, especially ones that seem more challenging. The idea is that you are really developing your awareness of your surroundings and in your process through the power of recording what you see.

I know this may sound somewhat scary, but try to see it as an interesting challenge - remember you don't have to spend a lot of time on any one drawing, and once you have finished with an image you are not to retouch it. This assignment is simply about drawing. It's not about perfection as much as it is about the process of seeing and recording the observed world.

All 50 images are due 2/3. Fewer than 50 will result in 0 points.
Drawings MUST be numbered 1-50 and contain the TIME/ DATE for each.

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