Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Drawing II: Introduction to the Figure
ARTS 205.001—Spring 2014
Instructor: M. Cornelia Oliver
mco7827@unm.edu, office hours by appointment
Rm: ART 353. M/W 11 AM-1:45 PM

Subject to change, as needed, by instructor.

WEEK 1: Line, Structure, and Proportions
January 22- Introduction to class, 10 Experiments, and 50/4 Drawing. Go through syllabus, begin with skeleton. THIS IS A WORK DAY!

WEEK 2: Mark-Making, Line Quality, Pivot Points
January 27- Continue with skeleton. Assign Internet research project.
January 29- Introduction of model for proportional study, talk about mark making

WEEK 3: Reductive Measuring, Blocking, Finding Weight
February 3- 50/4 Drawings DUE! Continue with model, points of reference, reductive study.
February 5- Introduce plumb line, look for points of contact, weight, body blocking. 

WEEK 4: Gesture
February 10- Introduce gesture, studies from model
February 12- Continue with model. Gesture through detail points.

WEEK 5: Observation, Movement and Immediacy
February 17- Continue with model, short poses. 
    Internet research project DUE, post to blog
February 19- Field gesture study, Return to model, extended poses

WEEK 6: Value, Shadow Blocking, Positive & Negative
February 24- Mid-tone introduction, reductive mark-making (erasure). Introduce Scratchboard Assignment.
February 26- Mid-tone introduction, reductive mark-making (grey paper). Bring in images for Scratchboard Assignment.

WEEK 7: Light and Shadow, Implied Line
March 3- Introduction of positive/ negative space, reflectivity (black paper).
March 5- Questions about Scratchboard Assignment. Study of hands & feet
      (b & w contè on mid-toned paper)

WEEK 8: Lighting, Portraiture, and Detail
March 10- Mid-tone paper compositions, study of face (conte)
March 12- Scratchboard Assignment DUE & Experimental Drawings 1-5 DUE, Bring in images for Portrait of Elder

March 17- NO CLASS
March 19- NO CLASS

WEEK 10: Narrative/ Psychology in Image Building
March 24- Portrait of Elder DUE, Begin “Stripes” Project
March 26- Art Critic (TBA) in class to discuss “the articulation of art making”

WEEK 11: Color, Layering, and Composition
March 31- “Stripes”
April 2- “Stripes” DUE! COLOR! Introduce Poetic Color Assignment
April 3- Graduate Studio Reviews (1st Year), EXTRA CREDIT

WEEK 12: Color and Audience
April 7- Bring in images for Poetic Color Assignment. COLOR! lecture cont.
       Poetic Color work day.
April 9- Poetic Color

WEEK 13: Delving into Abstraction and Conceptual Art
April 14- Poetic Color DUE. Introduce Observation/ Abstraction Series. Experiment with watercolors.
April 16- Observation/ Abstraction

WEEK 14: The Figure Abstracted
April 21- Observation/ Abstraction Series DUE. Introduce Figurative Abstraction.
April 23- Figurative Abstraction.

WEEK 15: Building Conceptual Art
April 28- Figurative Abstraction DUE. Introduction to FINAL PROJECT
April 30- FINAL PROJECT. Portfolio reviews!

WEEK 16: Building Conceptual Art (cont)
May 5- FINAL PROJECT. Portfolio reviews! (cont)
May 7- FINAL projects DUE. & Experimental Drawings 6-10 DUE. Hang Show!


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