Monday, January 27, 2014

Internet Research Project: Contemporary Drawing

Drawing II- OLIVER
Assignment 3
(Due: post to blog before class 2/17)

Internet Research Project:
Contemporary Drawing

OBJECTIVES: To learn more about contemporary approaches to drawing, to research independently, and to express informed opinions about your research in writing. This is to be posted to the class blog. Be professional in composition, grammar, and formatting. It is a resource for everyone.

  • Go to
  • Click on the “Viewing Program”
  • Explore many artists in different media and subject matter (see ‘keyword’ and ‘medium’ headings)
  • List 10 artists whose work you like
  • List 10 artists whose work you don’t like or don’t understand
  • Choose the 3 artists who you feel the strongest connection to or reaction to from your lists- summarize their artists’ statements in a short paragraph; INCLUDE at least one image of their work that you feel strongly about in your post
  • For these final three artists write a paragraph explaining why you feel strongly about his or her work.

NOTE: Be conscious of time commitment for this assignment. You will not gain anything from this assignment unless you spend time thinking critically about the research and information you are studying. Please spend several sessions working on this assignment. Use correct spelling and grammar. Think about what you are saying and how you are saying it.


  1. So this assignment is at least two paragraph long?

    1. You need a list of 20 artists you feel strongly about (10 you like and 10 you don't). Then for 3 of these artists you will need 1) an artist's statement (link will work) & at least one image of his/ her work 2) what you feel this artist's work is about 3) a paragraph on why you feel so strongly about the artist/ the work.

    2. This is different from your homework on MARK-MAKING that is due before class tomorrow. That homework you will need to post to the blog as well.
